
Get your FREE 1G or 10G Access Port and FREE Cross Connect!

Console Connect has teamed up with AtlasEdge Data Centres to bring carrier grade on-demand Cloud Connect and Premium Internet to AtlasEdge users.

Order any Console Connect Access Port for FREE + receive a FREE cross connect from AtlasEdge.

Promotion applies to AtlasEdge Data Centres in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Hamburg, London City, Madrid, Manchester, Stuttgart and Paris.

Register your interest now

atlasedge-logo Terms and conditions apply.*

Why Console Connect is for you

Via a single Access Port, your business can quote and access multiple on-demand connectivity services, including:

Premium Internet On-Demand IP Transit (Premium Internet Access) delivered via a Tier 1 network - provision a dedicated or burstable service in real-time for as little as one day.
Peering Direct access to nearly 20 peering partners including LINX, DE-CIX, AMS-IX, France IX and NYIIX - purchase both your connectivityand IX services via one platform
Layer 2 cloud connectivity Layer 2 private connectivity between your Access Port and any UK cloud or cloud regions and zones globally
300dpi_Cloud Router
Layer 3 cloud connectivity Layer 3 private connectivity between your Access Port and multiple clouds within the UK or globally
Layer 2 connectivity to data centres Layer 2 private connectivity to nearly 1000 data centres across 60 countries

Console Connect runs and owns its own underlying core network spanning 120
countries, providing a best- in-class service that is backed by industry-leading SLAs.

Fill in the form now to get your free Access Port and Cross Connect. Hurry, offer ends 31 May 2025!*

*Terms & conditions

  • Must be an access port with an active service.
  • The promotion is valid for the life of the contract.
  • The customer does not pay for the cross-connect to the Console Connect platform.
  • The port is activated within 30 days of the order being placed.
  • Order must be placed by 31 May 2025, when this incentive ends.